重型金庫門 • UL List Vault Door
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重型金庫門 • UL List Vault Door
* 防盜標準是根據美洲安全測試規範 UL 608, 並由UL 認證為Class 1, Class2, Class3共三個等級
* 採用本系列產品的金庫門是屬於高安全標準的防盜要求,是以金庫室的牆壁設計必須要能匹配金庫門的防盜能力才有效果這種高安全要求的金庫室,建議採用集寶專業的加勁防盜材料(Tangbar扭曲鋼筋)置入牆壁之中,詳細資料請與我門聯絡
* 金庫門配備二組符合安規認證的專用鎖具,並配置了防爆破的再鎖裝置
* 四向精鋼螺栓堅固的鎖住金庫門,可有效的防止歹徒使用各種重型工具的破壞

The UL-Listed Vault Door series with their stainless steel finish, combines superb design and workmanship with the high level of security for which Chubbsafes is known and respected the world over. It is perfectly suited for use on a safe deposit vault to enhance a feeling of confidence and protection on the part of existing and prospective box renters.